My Personal Fundraising Page

I will be climbing in loving memory of my little brother Rocky Shorey (2021 ROMP Elite Cotopaxi Team), who carried me on my first climb after my amputation, so others like me can too experience the gift of mobility and do their own Beautiful Thangs with the proper prosthetic care and devices. Please consider supporting the Range of Motion Project with a donation to help expand their important work into a new clinic in a new country.

Why I Climb

I believe access, equity, and inclusion are human rights. Having access to nature and the outdoors is something I am so grateful to experience, especially as an amputee. I would not be able to do and experience a lot of things without high-quality prosthetic devices and care. I believe every one of us deserves that right, amputee or not. Disability or not. Rocky did too. He always encouraged maximum potential whomever you were, regardless of limitations. He loved discovering new routes and helping others discover new routes of potential within themselves. I recall doing a hike with him in recent years in which we found ourselves quite literally forging through reeds and foliage twice as large as us and as ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ was blasting he said to me, “It’s not an adventure without venturing off the beaten path.” So to Rocky I say, “Hana Hou! Let’s go do this #SHOREthang in #SHOREstyle — it’s my turn to carry you.” #whatsyourmountain #mobilityforall

Climbing for ROMP 2024

My Fundraising Goal





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Anonymous Carlito Yadao 16 hours ago $21.00
  • Jihane Rossy 4 days ago $50.00
  • Kenneth Honma 5 days ago $105.00
  • Steven Langa 2 weeks ago $52.50
  • Megumi Shorey Go Heather! 2 weeks ago $105.00
  • riley Yamagata Go Heather!!! April 2024 $525.00
  • Andrew & Christian De La Bruere Rocky is an inspiration to us all, his perseverance through hard things and how he never met a stranger. Climb high Rocky. April 2024 $300.00
  • Joanne Sally Mero June 2024 $262.50
  • Brad Chisholm In memory of Rocky. ❤️ April 2024 $262.50
  • Allie Roberts June 2024 $250.00