Making a Real Impact for Real People

What's Your Mountain

Why I Climb

Climbing for ROMP is a metaphor for the mountains we all face. I'm proud to join the 10th annual Climbing for ROMP campaign and tackle my 'mountain' to help amputees get high-quality prosthetic care so they can take their first steps. 

Please consider donating to my page, joining the campaign, and sharing! Every dollar is 100% tax deductible and goes directly to ROMP's mission of ensuring access to high-quality prosthetic care for underserved amputees. 

We climb for equitable access to care.

We climb for change.

We climb for ROMP.



Climbing for ROMP 2024

My Fundraising Goal





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Aleisha Edwards Pty Ltd Go Dave!!! 3 hours ago $52.50
  • Anonymous Go David! - Jason 3 hours ago
  • Jarrod Nixon Good Luck. Have a great time! 6 hours ago $89.89
  • Kathy and John Robinson Good luck! 6 hours ago $50.00
  • Lisa Strauss Safe climbing!! 7 hours ago $105.00
  • Carol Livingston Great cause. Good luck! Last month $1,050.00
  • Michael Bernhardt Keep climbing those mountains forever April 2024 $1,050.00
  • Martin O’Malley 2 weeks ago $1,000.00
  • Chris Murphy Good stuff - proud of you Bernie!! 3 weeks ago $1,000.00
  • Richard Ross Dave - good luck on your climb! Dick Ross July 2024 $525.00