Support Our Fundraiser for ROMP

Give the Gift of Mobility!

Why We Climb

Climbing for ROMP is a metaphor for the mountains we all face. As avid adventurers, we find so much meaning in this nature driven analogy, and feel so humbled to get to support others in pursuit of their passions. 

As storytellers (Micah behind the camera and Angela via writing), we feel so humbled to get to come along and support this campaign - this will be Micah's 4th year and Angela's 2nd joining the Range of Motion Project Climb team.

If you know us, you know we value our ability to move! The freedom we have to be mobile allows us to go out on all our adventures.

We're proud to join the 10th annual Climbing for ROMP campaign to help amputees get high-quality prosthetic care so they can take their first steps. In the U.S, most of us are very fortunate to have access to the medical devices that can allow us to complete the daily activities we need and want. $1,500 USD can get a ROMP patient access to a necessary prosthetic device and follow-up care.

Please consider donating to our page, joining the campaign, and sharing! Every dollar is 100% tax deductible and goes directly to ROMP's mission of ensuring access to high-quality prosthetic care for underserved amputees. 

We climb for equitable access to care.

We climb for change.

We climb for ROMP.



Climbing for ROMP 2024

My Fundraising Goal





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Mike and Deb Novak Praying God’s favor, blessings, and protection for everyone to make it safely to the top!! …and back down A day ago $262.50
  • Craig and Jessica Schuring 2 days ago $227.85
  • Lauren Angelico 3 weeks ago $21.00
  • Micah Ness & Angela McCurren April 2024 $262.50
  • Mike and Deb Novak Praying God’s favor, blessings, and protection for everyone to make it safely to the top!! …and back down A day ago $262.50
  • Micah Ness & Angela McCurren April 2024 $262.50
  • Craig and Jessica Schuring 2 days ago $227.85
  • Lauren Angelico 3 weeks ago $21.00