Support My Fundraiser for ROMP!

Why I Climb

I know what it's like to have mobility taken away from me. I'm fortunate to live in the U.S. where I have health insurance and access to the best prosthetic care possible. Not everyone is that lucky. I believe that all amputees should have access to prosthetic care and through this climb for ROMP, I get to play a small role in making that happen But, I need YOU to help me give the gift of mobility to amputees who desperately need it! Together, we can all climb any mountain. 

Thank you to everyone who donated last year and to all of my supporters this year! 


Climbing for ROMP is a metaphor for the mountains we all face. I'm proud to join the 10th annual Climbing for ROMP campaign and tackle my 'mountain' to help amputees get high-quality prosthetic care so they can take their first steps. 

Please consider donating to my page, joining the campaign, and sharing! Every dollar is 100% tax deductible and goes directly to ROMP's mission of ensuring access to high-quality prosthetic care for underserved amputees. 

We climb for equitable access to care.

We climb for change.

We climb for ROMP.



Climbing for ROMP 2024

My Fundraising Goal





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Jocelyn Wreede Kick ass girl! ❤️ 4 days ago $50.00
  • Anonymous 3 weeks ago $700.00
  • Anonymous 4 weeks ago
  • Sherri Johnson Last month
  • Stryker Stryker Events and Match! Last month $12,005.00
  • Stryker Stryker Events and Match! Last month $12,005.00
  • Anonymous 3 weeks ago $700.00
  • Jocelyn Wreede Kick ass girl! ❤️ 4 days ago $50.00