Support My Fundraiser for ROMP!

Why I Climb

Climbing for ROMP means climbing the mountain set in front of you. My mountain is the Monument Marathon. This race has been a fantastic opportunity to appreciate my own mobility much more deeply, and it all culminated in a unique challenge that I am incredibly grateful for.

I would like to use my mountain as a chance to provide the gift of mobility for others. Ideally, we all discover our mountain and tackle it. With the gift of mobility, or action, this idea becomes a reality.

Please support me in raising money for others who could really use it to regain their mobility back. I worked with ROMP back in 2022, supporting them in fitting patients with new prosthetic limbs so that they could regain this crucial essence of life. They do fantastic, life-changing work. We would love your help!

Climbing for ROMP 2024

My Fundraising Goal





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Owen Wahl 10 hours ago $63.00
  • Owen Wahl 10 hours ago $63.00