Solidarity Summit for ROMP

Join our 10th annual Climbing for ROMP and 'climb' in solidarity with our Climb Teams by signing up and moving in solidarity with our teams. 

Here's a few ways: 

  1. Choose any day in September or October to dedicate your mobility to our team! You can do a 5k, 10k, hike, bike, walk, run, roll, skip, whatever you want! 
  2. Or move in solidarity WITH the teams on Thursday, October 3rd as we attempt to summit Cayambe (18,996ft) and Cotopaxi (19,347ft) or Tuesday, October 8th as we attempt Chimborazo (20,549ft) 


Climbing for ROMP Resources: How To Fundraise, Printable Summit Flags, Patient Stories, Marketing Materials, Etc!

How To Fundraise & Marketing Materials

10th Annual Climbing for ROMP

Our Team

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